news blog


Report 22nd December 2017

Since the last update on the 8th of December a lot of snow has fallen, often with strong winds at mid and high altitudes.  50 to 60 cms has settled at the valley floor and over a metre at 1800/2000m.

The avalanche risk is significant above 2000m.  Consult the bulletin from B.E.R.A  (avalanche assessment) and the weather forecast before setting out.  Take care, a rise in temperatures is expected this weekend.


Activity in the mountains is slowly increasing, especially ski touring.
The Aiguillettes des Houches, the Posettes and the 4x4 track up to the Loriaz Chalets are tracked. (More info in the OHM route book ).  The Petit Croisse Baulet, near Megeve, has also seen some activity.
The snow is very variable, depending upon aspect and altitude, but overall the conditions are good.


No information for the high mountain, the second stage of the Aig du Midi lift has only just opened and the Grand Montets top lift is due to open on 23 December.  Looking at the webcams, the faces still appear to be grey and very dry.


Vallée Blanche: The ridge is not yet equipped, but the route has been skied, (no further information.)  Without a perfect knowledge of the area and competency in glacier travel, it is recommended to wait a while or hire a guide.


Concerning ice climbing, no specific information has been received though it appears that there has been a bit of activity at the Crèmerie and the Cascade de Bérard.  For the moment, Cogne could be the better option. 


For snow shoers, the signposted routes are accessible with sufficient snow to start from the valley floor.  


Do not forget to report your experiences on the Chamoniarde /OHM online route book.  It only takes a few minutes and helps fellow alpinists


Chamoniarde takes this opportunity to wish everybody a Happy Christmas

Report 8th December 2017

Latest update

10 cms of wet snow at the valley floor.

20 cms of wind affected snow, (strong winds from the SW,) at 2000m.

About 40cms of windblown snow at 3000m, (very strong winds from the NW/W.)

This is encouraging news for off piste skiers, ski tourers and snow shoers for the weekend.  Also, many of the   ski lifts are opening this weekend

ATTENTION :  there is a high risk of windslab avalanche  both in the mid and high mountain.  The snow conditions give rise to concern.  There is no cohesion in the underlying snow layer and more snow is expected over the next days. 

Therefore, take care.  BERA has not yet published avalanche risk figures.  Take time to use the information available to make the right assessment for your planned activity,  snow and avalanche information.

Report 27th November 2017

The snow cover is gradually deepening.

There is not much snow in the base of the valley. It is only above1800/2000m that one can really use skis or snow shoes.  The snow cover is very variable, so be careful of stones/rocks just below the surface.  Nonetheless, if you accept this limitation, there is good skiing to be had above 2000m.

Concerning the high mountain, Chamoniarde has not received any information.  The Skyway Monte Bianco (Italy) opens 1st December and the Torino refuge on the 2nd.  Hopefully, information on conditions will follow soon after.

There has been some ice climbing at the Crèmerie (true left bank of the Argentière glacier.) No further information.  Please remember that access to this area is by foot from the Grands Montets car parking. The Rosière road is restricted to clients of CMBH and the Crémerie restaurant.

The Company du Mont Blanc has announced limited opening this weekend at Lognan and Les Houches.

Report 21st November 2017

There is still not much snow in the mountains for the time of year, though things should improve from this weekend onwards. 


There has been very little activity reported from the higher mountains and the information received indicates a great variation in conditions from one sector to another. There have been strong winds at altitude, stripping the snow in some areas and dumping it in others


On north facing slopes above 2000m one risk floundering in deep snow even with snow shoes, while on the south faces the snow is variable, bare in some places and knee deep elsewhere.  Some paths, even at lower altitudes, maybe iced over in places.  Whatever the activity, the current, difficult conditions require the correct equipment.


It is still too early to ski tour in the Chamonix valley, have patience.