Our Aim

Many of us have dreams of mountaineering or trekking expeditions that we'd like to make, but it can be a challenge to plan for these excursions - particularly when they are in little-visited or remote areas.

The Alpine Club, the oldest and most prestigious alpine club in the world can help you to make your expedition easier to organise and and better value for money. We have a huge wealth of experience among our members who have travelled, climbed and explored in the most remote and challenging mountain areas of the world.

The AC have distilled their experience into the 14 categories listed here to help make your research and planning significantly easier. We have attempted to emphasise the key elements you need to consider and to supply lists of useful websites and resources for further reading. 

Each section has been assembled by an acknowledged expert with significant experience of the subject. In many sections, the main body of the text is complemented by a series of clearly marked 'Top Tips' which reflect the author's personal experience.


Funding Your Expedition

The AC has long been involved in promoting mountaineering in the Alps and Greater Ranges. In 2007 we inaugurated The Montane Alpine Club Climbing Fund to offer grants for mountain exploration and climbing expeditions to the most challenging mountain areas around the world.

At present the Climbing Fund offers up to £10,000 per annum to expeditions involving AC members. More information on this, and other funding options, can be found in the Financial Support section of this guide.