Up Close with Ski Instructor Alison Thacker
Up Close with Ski Instructor Alison Thacker
AC member Alison Thacker is a former ski competitor who works as a ski instructor, splitting her time between Chamonix, Scotland and Norway. We caught up with Alison to find out a little more about her work, her passion for ski mountaineering and her new practical guide to off-piste skiing.
Demonstrating a jump turn
Could you tell readers a little about your early experiences of skiing?
My parents introduced me to skiing when I was aged 2 by taking my sister and I to a small hill on our local golf course which on snowy days would be full of sledgers and winter sports enthusiasts. They then took us to The Lecht, Scotland where I thought the purpose of skiing was to go up the lifts (as I enjoyed this so much) and you only skied down so that you could go up again!
Throughout my school years we would go to The Lecht almost every weekend through winter, which sometimes started in October and would finish in April. During this time, I became involved in ski racing and travelled abroad for training camps and races. My memory is that the conditions in Scotland became more variable through my teenage years, as the certainty of snow was no longer guaranteed.
How did you discover more adventurous ski mountaineering and can you tell us about some of your best mountaineering experiences on skis?
I’m a keen hillwalker and climber so when I became aware of ski mountaineering this seemed a natural progression for me. For my BASI instructional qualification there is a Mountain Safety course to complete which I did in Chamonix in 2001. This was my first introduction to Chamonix and ski touring, and I think I knew following that course that my path in skiing was diverging away from ski racing and would take me into more mountainous terrain and away from the lifts.
Skiing in Norway has always been special to me, providing me with some of my fondest ski experiences. There is a couloir on the Lyngen Peninsula ‘The Godmother’ which for us entailed a three-hour boulder strewn and boggy walk in, half an hour of skinning, three further hours boot packing in knee-deep powder, for a 10-minute ski before enduring the 3-hour walk out. I thought it was worth it!
Closer to home, any day skiing in Scotland is memorable as rock and heather free descents are becoming increasingly rare. When conditions in Scotland are good and you can enjoy the view, the ski touring can be world class, as long as you don’t mind a walk to get to the snowline. Skiing Number Two Gully on Ben Nevis has a similar feeling to skiing a couloir in the Dolomites, only a little shorter.
One of those perfect Scottish days - skiing powder on Ben Hope
When you’re working with clients what are the things people most want to learn about skiing off-piste?
There are two common scenarios that I come across numerous times every season. The first goes something along the lines of ‘I ski fine on-piste but I seem to really struggle off-piste and can’t work out the technique for it’. This suggests to me that what they are doing on-piste works, but there are areas for development which will make skiing off-piste less of a struggle. Often, it’s a case of developing on-piste skiing skills with a view to deploying them when skiing off-piste.
The other common scenario is clients wanting to learn how to ski in crust. For climbers, this could be likened to saying ‘I’d like to climb E9’. Now this may be achievable but it all depends on your starting point. If you are currently climbing VDiff, this is unlikely to be achievable in a week’s course. Crust is the most challenging snow type to ski and, in simple terms, the better a skier you become, the easier crust will be. It takes years of refinement, practice, and both physical and mental preparation to be skilful in crust. If there was one quick fix then we’d all be able to ski it (and I would have less work!). It will be quicker (and often safer) to learn how to recognise and avoid crust, rather than become a master in skiing it.
You’ve alluded to the changing nature of ski conditions and ski seasons. How do you see our approach to skiing changing in light of the climate crisis? Will we all be joining you in Norway in search of snow?
There’s how do I see our approach to skiing changing and how do I think it should change. I find myself morally torn between my love of skiing and the fact that pursuing that love has a significant detrimental impact on the planet. When I look at the current situation, I believe we should focus on pursuing sports and activities that are close to our homes and have less environmental impact. Equally, I am acutely aware that such an approach would exclude many from skiing and I am mindful of the health, social and financial benefits that skiing can bring. I’m not a scientist but I am in no doubt that our approach will have to change, with increasing flexibility on how, when and where we ski and ski opportunities becoming increasingly variable.
Alison instructing in Norway
Your new book ‘Off-Piste Performance’ is billed as a practical manual for skiers. Who do you envision using the book and what do you hope they take away from it?
I hope that the book will appeal to all off-piste skiers, from those who are contemplating venturing into off-piste for the first time, to those that are already experienced off-piste skiers and professionals. There is something in there for everyone.
I have written the book that I wish I’d had 20 years ago, but also a book that I will use myself in the future. I envisage that skiers will use the book in a variety of ways from dipping into it throughout the ski season, reading before or after having some lessons to reinforce learning or when practicing for specific snow conditions. Throughout the book are ‘lightbulb moments’, which are quotes from skiers who I have had the pleasure to work with. I hope that readers will come away with their own lightbulb moments from the book, helping to take their skiing to the next level.
Guides to practical skills often face the challenge of translating complex physical movements into text and diagrams. How did you find the process of putting practical skills onto the page?
Immensely challenging! This was one of the reasons for resisting suggestions that I should write a book for so long! Then I found myself using similar books for my other sports – climbing, swimming, mountain biking, and found that they helped me, so my perception about the ability to learn from a book changed.
Taking, sorting and editing photos proved difficult and I was fortunate to work with three very patient photographers. I often say to skiers that photos should rarely be used for analysis as it shows a static skier. Video is a much better tool as it shows the movement. I have thousands of less than ideal photos of me skiing. To get a good one, the angle and timing needs precision. In the book I have sequences of photos which aim to overcome the static problem and show the movement.
When writing, my mantra became ‘let the photos do the talking and the words are there to support the images’. I also tried to use the same words and language that I use when I teach, aiming for the book to sound like the coaching that I would deliver on the hill.
Off Piste Performance: Essential Knowledge for off-piste skiers,
published by Pesda Press, is on sale now.