Death Announcements


This page contains notices announcing the recent deaths of Club members, often with details of their involvement with the Alpine Club and, occasionally, with information about their funeral/memorial arrangements.


Members can log into the website to leave their comments and tributes.


More complete obituaries for members are compiled in the Alpine Journal. Suzanne Strawther (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) is the current Alpine Journal Obituaries Editor.  If you would like to contribute to an obituary, please contact her directly.



Brian Peart

We have recently learned the sad news of the death on 31 January of Brian Peart, a member since 1996.



Ted Norrish

We are sad to learn of the death on 10 March of Ted Norrish, a member since 1975.



Dr Jim Milledge

The Club will be saddened to learn that Dr Jim Milledge, a past Vice-President, and renowned for his research on the physiology of altitude, has died.  

The funeral service will be held on 17 March - more details later.



Piero Nava

We have recently received from his son the sad news of the death last September of Piero Nava.  He joined in 1973 and became an ACG member in 1986.

Members can log in to submit their tributes or send them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so that they can be posted on the website.