Reaching Beyond is the autobiography of Denise Evans, the first (and so far only) woman to serve as president of the Alpine Club.

The book, a community-funded project which included contributions from the Alpine Club and the Pinnacle Club, tells the complete story of Denise's life in her own distinctive voice. From her early years in Paris (fled at the outbreak of the Second World War) to her accomplishments as a climber and sailor, we are offered a rare insight into the characteristics which made Denise such a pioneer.

We are offering the book at the exclusive price of £15.00 + UK postage and packing of £3.00. (Those looking to buy from overseas should contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss postage costs).

Buy it at the checkout below:


More About Denise

Watch a video featuring Denise discussing the 1962 Jagdula Expedition:


Book Specifications:

300 pages
Published by Delfryn Publications
Released: November 2024