news blog


Young Alpinist Event, North Wales

The Alpine Club is working with the BMC to look at ways of helping young, talented British climbers to improve their skills and knowledge about expedition climbing.

As part of this process an evening meeting will be held at The Beacon Climbing Centre in North Wales on Saturday 15 July and all keen, young British alpinists are invited.

If you are an experienced, keen British alpinist under 35 years old and wish to attend then book a place on the event by emailing Nick Colton: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

This is not an introductory programme for alpine climbing, but targeted at those who already have significant experience in Scottish winter climbing, summer and winter alpinism and perhaps expeditions. You don't need to be jogging up North Faces or climbing Scottish grade VIII to come along, just to be actively climbing in the mountains and be excited about expedition alpine climbing. If this sounds like you then please come along!

CLICK HERE for more details

Announcing the George Starkey Hut Maintenance Meet

This fantastic new AC membership benefit, with its excellent location in the eastern Lake District relies on members giving a little time to keep it in good shape.
So a joint ABM/AC Hut Maintenance Meet will take place on the weekend of 1-3rd September 2017. This meet will be organised by David Dunk and Marian Parsons (both AC members).
The idea is that bednights will be free to those willing to put in a day's work. There is no pressure to spend the whole weekend working: one day work and one day play is fine!
A free meal will be provided on the Saturday night.  Mike Parsons has his 75th birthday (1st Sep) and wants to celebrate a bit, so there will be some free wine too!
Jobs will be allocated according to what people feel they can do. 
Please book with Marian Parsons. (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

AC Meet - The Tatra Mountains 2018

The Tatra Mountains are situated on the border between Poland and Slovakia. During winter, they offer excellent alpine climbing – snow, ice and mixed routes, followed by sharp ridges that take you to spiky summits. Descents are often tricky. There is no problem with acclimatisation as the altitude is 2000 – 2600m.