news blog


Chamonix Conditions


If you are heading out to the Mont Blanc massif over the coming months check out the Chamonix conditions report of the Club website Report 17th June 2019

You will find regular updates on just that, the conditions in the Mont Blanc massif.  Loads and loads of useful local info throughout the year.  

Martin Moran

I am sure all members thoughts  and hopes are with Martin Moran's family and those of the other climbers feared lost near Nanda Devi. Especially as there are reports that five bodies have been seen.

The two links below are the latest information we can provide for Alpine Club members

Martin’s family have now released a statement describing the present situation. 

And Mark Charlton, Nigel Shepherd and John Cousins have posted an update from Mark Thomas below.

We will post further updates as appropriate.

Environment and Sustainability Panel

In discussions during the AC gathering at Blencathra in November 2018 it became apparent that a number of members, including the President and President Elect, felt that the global issues of climate change, pollution in its many different forms and unsustainable tourism were too pressing for the Alpine Club not to be proactive in doing something about them. It was decided to set up a Panel, for ease of reference known as The Green Group, to take the matter forward and as a current V-P Rob Collister was asked to chair it.

What do the Kuffner Arete, Innominata Ridge, Charlotte Road, and Ryan Reynolds all have in common?

Friday 10th May saw the release of the latest Pokémon film.  

When the Club was approached during the autumn of 2017 by the makers of this film, “Pokémon: Detective Pikachu”, to request the use of the outside façade of 55 Charlotte Road as part of the filming location, we of course said yes as the request came with a contract and with the contract came their fee.