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Alpine ClubCast 6 – 12th May at 19:30

Nanga Parbat’s Mazeno Ridge 

Rick Allen and Sandy Allan talk about their traverse of the Mazeno Ridge in 2012, which was first attempted by Doug Scott back in 1992.  Scott Ellsworth will speak first on the history of climbing on Nanga Parbat.

Alpine ClubCast 3 - 21st April at 19:30

New routing in unexplored Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan

In 2013 six mountaineers, who had met whilst studying in Leeds and Sheffield, went off on their first expedition. Alpine Club members Tom Bell, Tim Elson and Hugh Thomas were part of the team that travelled to the relatively unexplored area of the Tien Shan mountains on the border between China and Kyrgyzstan. There, multiple glacier systems with multiple unclimbed 5000m peaks had seen few mountaineers before.  Over 4 weeks the team achieved several first ascents and were able to get to grips with the steep learning curve of a first expedition, which was partly funded by grants from the Alpine Club and the Austrian Alpine Club.

Tom, Tim and Hugh will talk about their experiences and afterwards answer questions from the audience.

If you would like to join this ClubCast please check your emails again on Monday 20 April, when a link will be sent out.  The link will also be available on the Alpine Club Facebook Member Area.

Alpine ClubCast 4 - 28th April at 19:30

The 4000m Peaks of the Alps - Ridges to Remember

Three Alpine Club members talk about their favourite route on a 4000er: Paul Newby on the West Ridge of the Dufourspitze, Max Streeton on the Weisshorn Schaligrat, and Becky Coles on the Lauteraargrat which links the Schreckhorn and the Lauteraarhorn.

Aimed at whetting appetites for a future trip, the talks will be followed by a Q&A session.