Club News

Club News

Spirit of Mountaineering Commendation

Alpine Club recognise Nanga Parbat rescuers with Spirit of Mountaineering commendation

On the 21st September the Alpine Club recognised the action taken by expedition leader Krzysztof Wielicki and four climbers Adam Bielecki, Denis Urubko, Piotr Tomala and Jarosław Botor earlier this year on Nanga Parbat. As part of the K2 panel session held this year at the 23rd Ladek Mountain Festival, Victor Saunders presented our Spirit of Mountaineering commendation to all five for their involvement in the rescue of French climber Elisabeth Revol and attempted rescue of Polish climber Tomek Mackiewicz.

Memorial/Celebration of AC member Mark Vallance's life

Mark Vallance   17.9.44 – 19.4.18

We will be celebrating Mark’s life on Saturday July 21st at 1.30 for 2pm


We’d like to invite family and friends to join us at:


The Edge (University of Sheffield conference centre)

Endcliffe Student Village

34 Endcliffe Crescent

Sheffield S10 3ED


Drinks afterwards in The Edge bar until 5pm.


It would help us enormously if you could let us know if you will be attending. 

(No need to reply if you can’t come, thanks.)


There is a permit-only car park on site, also road parking.  We can email you a parking permit, which you can print, and there’s road parking too.


Dress: Cheerful, please.


Please reply by July 9th to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Jan and Jody


Elizabeth Hawley

Elizabeth Hawley, for most mountaineers on their way to climb in the Nepalese Himalaya, was like a venerable aunt you did not want to cross. She was made an Honourary Member of the Alpine Club in 2013. Many expedition leaders will remember a knock on their Kathmandu hotel door that awoke them from a jet lagged slumber. "Miss Hawley is waiting downstairs to see you sir," the deskman would say. Liz knew when you were in town and where. She would greet you cordially in a crisp, no nonsense American accent that spoke of both an excellent education and impeccable manners. She was a petite woman with aquiline features, glasses always perched halfway down her nose. Peering over those glasses, her eyes interrogated you as much as her questions. She never missed a chance to extract every ounce of information about your plans over tea and toast. In return, Liz gave us the latest news; who was where; doing what; tips on unexpected access or porter problems.