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Other News

Review: 2020 UIAA General Assembly

The 2020 UIAA General Assembly (GA) was held on 23-24 October. Owing to the Covid-19 pandemic, the annual meeting took place online for the first time in the federation’s 88-year history. A record number of delegates – 130 representatives from 68 countries – joined on Zoom and a further 250 member federation representatives and partners followed an accompanying livestream on YouTube.

MEF Lecture - Annapurna 1970


3 NOVEMBER 18:00 – 19:30



British Annapurna South Face Expedition 1970

The 1970 British Annapurna South Face expedition was the first to climb a difficult face route on an 8000m peak, a major Himalayan achievement.  On 27 May, Don Whillans & Dougal Haston  reached the summit of Annapurna I (26,545ft, 8,091 m). Chris Bonington led the expedition that approached from the Annapurna Sanctuary. The team used pioneering rock and ice climbing techniques to fix ropes up the steep South Face.

45th Anniversary screening of Everest the Hard Way + Exclusive Q&A

It's been forty-five years since Dougal Haston and Doug Scott stood as the first Brits on the summit of Everest, and the first ever team by the south-west face. To celebrate this incredible record-breaking achievement, we are pleased to announce a very special screening of Everest the Hard Way, followed by an exclusive Q&A with some of the original members of the team.