Events Calendar

Costa Blanca Meet 2023
From Saturday 02 December 2023
To Thursday 14 December 2023
Contact Malcolm Streeton & Charlene Gibson
Saturday 02 December 2023

After a successful meet in 2022 we will be returning to the same area for 2023. The area offers a wide range of climbing. Sport routes of all grades (mainly single pitch). Many long mountain ridges to traverse, with both climbing and scrambling routes. Multi-pitch trad routes. Also a few via ferrata.

In Dec the weather is usually stable and a nice temperature for climbing.

We will book a villa for accommodation in Calpe to suit the number on the meet. Hence we need confirmation of attendance by mid-August.

Costs are expected to be around £250-£300 for the accommodation. Flights are around £150 including luggage (Gatwick to Alicante). We will also need to hire cars. Eating out is cheap, but you can also choose to cook.

Contacts: Malcolm Streeton - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Charlene Gibson - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.