From Friday 03 March 2023
To Sunday 12 March 2023
Contact Efe Tunc
Friday 03 March 2023
All of the places on this meet have now been filled.
Rjukan is home to hundreds of easily accessible icefalls of all difficulties ranging from easy slopes to hard multipitch test pieces with free hanging pillars. Rjukan is approximately 2.5 hours west of Oslo in Norway.The valley's east-west orientation and the stable cold climate of the region provides excellent conditions for ice climbing. For those who are interested in spicing things up, there are mixed routes, too. Most routes are situated just a short walk from the road but more adventurous approaches requiring abseils also exist. On rest days you can choose to go Rjukan Badet swimming pools, ski on the slopes of Gausta Ski Centre, or visit the old Heavy Water Factory (a.k.a. Norwegian Industrial Workers Museum). There are restaurants and cafes within walking distance to the huts.

Accommodation: We will be based in Rjukan Hytteby huts in the centre of Rjukan. The huts are self catered, have ample living space, kitchens, and bathrooms.
Guidebook: Heavy Water / Rockfax (2005) Jon Haukåssveen, Tom Atle Bordevik. Now out of print but included in the Rockfax app
Required skills: This is a meet for competent climbers with experience of multi pitch rock climbing and some experience of crampon and technical ice axe use. There are no formal arrangements for training in ice and mixed climbing. Apart from the routes in more remote areas, there is no avalanche risk. If you are interested in attending, but unsure about your level of relevant experience, you are very welcome to contact the meet coordinator to discuss. Aspirants are very welcome to attend.
Reserve your place: There are 10 places available, the accommodation cost is NOK 3000 (approximately £260) per person for the full week Friday to Sunday. Members will book and pay for their flights to Oslo and we will group into multiple rental cars, which will be used for travelling to climbing locations during the week as well. Please contact the meet coordinator to secure your place.
Contact: Efe Tunc (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)