Events Calendar

AC Mingulay and Pabbay Meet 2022
From Saturday 18 June 2022
To Sunday 26 June 2022
Contact Roger Everett
Saturday 18 June 2022

Pabbay and Mingulay in the Barra Isles of the Outer Hebrides offer some of the best and most adventurous trad climbing in the British Isles. Covid and boat availability permitting, the aim is to hold an AC Meet visiting both islands with provisional dates 18th - 26th June 2022 (10 further places available). This will be an entirely self-contained camping meet on uninhabited islands with all that that implies. Travel is by CalMac ferry from Oban to Barra, followed by being ferried around by a local boatman. Given the seriousness of the climbing, there will be strict experience requirements for attendees. In outline, established climbing partnerships only, a minimum totally comfortable leading grade of at least HVS, experience of complex abseil access to serious sea-cliffs highly desirable. Early enquiries are invited, contact the coordinator for further details.

Meet Coordinator

Roger Everett:, 07920513046