The Alpine Club, the world’s first mountaineering club, was founded in 1857.  For over 150 years, members have been at the leading edge of worldwide mountaineering development and exploration. 

With membership, experienced and aspiring alpinists benefit from a varied meets programme, regional lectures with notable guest speakers, reduced rates at many alpine huts, opportunity to apply for grants to support expeditions, significant discounts at many UK retailers, extensive networking contacts, access to the AC Library and maps - and more! 

Becoming a Member

Events By Location

Below is a list of all of this years AC events organised by location. The location is on the left and the event descriptions in the middle, more details on the specific locations are on the right

Events Calendar

AC Family Meet 2023
From Sunday 06 August 2023 -  08:00am
To Sunday 20 August 2023 - 05:00pm
Contact Tom Bell
Sunday 06 August 2023

After the success of last year we decided to return to where we know. The campsite is ideally set for children with safe,traffic calmed routes for them to cycle around on and a large play park handy as well as football and volleyball pitches. The campsite is right next to lake Geneva with a wardened beach and an excellent swimming pool within easy distance. For climbing there is good local cragging that works for children and adults alike and alpinism options in a lesser explored area overlooking the lake.

The trip last year was enjoyed by all the families, and a more family friendly climate than the high alps definitely helped. The campsite has options for tents, campervans, or you can hire cabins of varying degrees of luxury if that is easier for family life.

Members without children are also more than welcome, it is an informal meet where not everyone in the party has to be a member of the Alpine Club and people can come for all or part of the trip. The link to the campsite is below, book yourselves for the dates you want and we will contact the site later to ensure we are all in the same area.

For more details contact Tom Bell This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 07792908324