The Alpine Club, the world’s first mountaineering club, was founded in 1857.  For over 150 years, members have been at the leading edge of worldwide mountaineering development and exploration. 

With membership, experienced and aspiring alpinists benefit from a varied meets programme, regional lectures with notable guest speakers, reduced rates at many alpine huts, opportunity to apply for grants to support expeditions, significant discounts at many UK retailers, extensive networking contacts, access to the AC Library and maps - and more! 

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Events Calendar

Neil Pitts: Norge på langs – Skiing the length of Norway
Tuesday 14 February 2023, 07:30pm
Tuesday 14 February 2023

For 16 months from 2020 to 2021 Neil dealt with the debilitating effects of Long Covid. While still quite ill he decided that, despite having never been on nordic skis, planning to ski the length of Norway would give him the incentive to recover. Almost one year later, in January 2022, Neil and 2 friends attempted to ski more than 3,000 km from Norway’s southern most point at Lindesness to the northern most point at Nordkapp. Having battled through what was described in Norway as a “really ugly” winter, two of the original 3 members of the team finally arrived at Nordkapp on the 7th April 2022.

Non-members are very welcome to attend but should book in advance either by completing the form below or by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

There is no official charge for entry, but we do ask those non-members who are able to make a small contribution to allow the lectures to keep running.


Location London
55/56 Charlotte Road