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Derek Buckle: Ski Ascents in the Alichursky Mountains of Tajikistan
Tuesday 11 July 2017, 07:30pm
Contact Derek Buckle
Tuesday 11 July 2017
In April 2016 Derek, Stefan Jachmich and Anna Bushe visited the Alichursky range of the Tajik Pamirs to explore the upper reaches of the Bazar-Dara Valley close to the Bazar-Dara pass. This area has seen few mountaineers and none to our knowledge have ventured into the area on skis. Despite deep, unstable snow conditions members of the team made successful ski ascents of Pik Perestroika (4,952m), Pik Glasnost (4,918m) and Pik Druzhba (5,021m), none of which have previously reported ascents. In this talk Derek will describe some of the sights and culture in the borderland of Kyrgyzstan-Takjikistan in addition to the highlights of the time spent in the Bazar-Dara Valley.
Location London
55/56 Charlotte Road