The Alpine Club, the world’s first mountaineering club, was founded in 1857.  For over 150 years, members have been at the leading edge of worldwide mountaineering development and exploration. 

With membership, experienced and aspiring alpinists benefit from a varied meets programme, regional lectures with notable guest speakers, reduced rates at many alpine huts, opportunity to apply for grants to support expeditions, significant discounts at many UK retailers, extensive networking contacts, access to the AC Library and maps - and more! 

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Events Calendar

Phil Wickens: Virgin Peaks of Antarctica
Wednesday 28 September 2016, 07:30pm
Contact Alison Bramall (ESC) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Wednesday 28 September 2016

Over the last two decades I have led numerous skiing and climbing expeditions to Antarctica, culminating in the ascents of almost 90 mountains, (34 of them virgin), and over 700 days of skiing. In this talk I will describe some of my more memorable and favourite ascents and descents and the journeys involved in reaching these remote mountains

Download Phil Wickens Flyer


This is a joint AC / ESC lecture


The Bring & Buy’ for touring, alpine and mountain gear will start at 6.15pm

Dinner will be a ‘proper’ meal at Wilfs – one that fills you up but not enough to send you to sleep through the talk.

Please email me to book your place and let me know if you want meat or vegetarian lasagne or a gluten /dairy free meal – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The cost is £10  - pay at the door.

Location Lake District
Hawkshead Brewery
Staveley, Near Kendal