The Alpine Club, the world’s first mountaineering club, was founded in 1857.  For over 150 years, members have been at the leading edge of worldwide mountaineering development and exploration. 

With membership, experienced and aspiring alpinists benefit from a varied meets programme, regional lectures with notable guest speakers, reduced rates at many alpine huts, opportunity to apply for grants to support expeditions, significant discounts at many UK retailers, extensive networking contacts, access to the AC Library and maps - and more! 

Becoming a Member


Below is a list of Alpine Club Symposia.

Organised by members of The Alpine Club, events focus on the mountains of a particular area, or on a specific aspect of mountaineering. Each symposium runs for a whole day and is typically held at a weekend in the Lake District, North Wales or the Peak District. During the day experts on the subject, including top mountaineers from around the world, give a series of illustrated presentations, creating an event that is both informative and inspiring. Take a look at the impressive list of speakers at recent and forthcoming symposia to see why these events are so popular. The symposia are usually open to members at a discount, as well as non-members.

Symposia are particularly useful for anyone planning an expedition or looking for new places to visit. Many expeditions have started in the bar after a symposium; but be warned: these events can be dangerously inspirational!

Events Calendar

Makalu (the Great Black One)
Tuesday 09 June 2015, 07:00pm - 09:00pm
Tuesday 09 June 2015
In Sept 2014, an 8-strong team of British Services personnel returned to the Makalu-Barun region of Nepal to attempt an ascent of Makalu (8463m) via the 10km long South East Ridge. Described by many as one of the Himalayas most stunning and challenging treks the presentation will cover the fabulous 9-day approach to the world’s 5th highest mountain as well as providing detail of the climb itself. Following his 4th expedition to the region Colin will provide a unique insight into the development and change that is taking place in this once infrequently visited region. As the expedition photographer Tim Taylor was responsible for capturing the true scale of this venture and in addition to showcasing several of his stunning images he will provide his own perspective on the trials of high altitude photography.
Location London
55/56 Charlotte Road