The AC Green Group
The purpose of the Alpine Club Green Group is to assist the Alpine Club in initiating and contributing to mountaineering sustainability objectives - as well as raising the AC's profile, locally, nationally and internationally on this agenda.
The Green Group intends to inform, engage and support individual AC members in reducing all our carbon footprints, but also to facilitate partnership initiatives that are likely to have a more effective impact.
The Green Group is an open consultative group consisting of interested members who meet formally once or twice per annum (virtually at present) and any actions taken are fed back into the main AC committee by the Chair.
Green Group Members
The current Green Group is made up of:
John Booth Terry Gifford Andy MacNae
Rob Collister Steve Goodwin Ola Parcinska
Ed Douglas Jerry Gore Martin Price
Mike Fletcher Grace Hurford Andy Tickle
Pete Frost David Medcalf Jonathan White
As part of their work, the Green Group produce position papers and articles for the club on topics relating to the environment; survey members on green issues and coallate resources to help members and the wider mountaineering community make informed decisions. You can keep up to date on Green Group activities at the Sustainability News feed and find more in-depth resources below.